First “Commanderie de Bordeaux” in India will open in 2025
FIRST “COMMANDERIE DE BORDEAUX” IN INDIA While Presidents Macron and Modi were meeting in Paris, we also held a key France-India gathering with Jean-Marc Dulong
FIRST “COMMANDERIE DE BORDEAUX” IN INDIA While Presidents Macron and Modi were meeting in Paris, we also held a key France-India gathering with Jean-Marc Dulong
WINES FOR INDIA CHENNAI 2024 The ‘Grand Finale’ of our Indian tour ended in Bangalore with our long-standing partner Abhay Kewadkar. Thank you ITC Hotels
WINES FOR INDIA CHENNAI 2024 A packed schedule in Chennai: dinner with the French Consul, media and Chennai Wine Club, followed the next day by
WINES FOR INDIA MUMBAI 2024 Delighted to be back in India for the 3rd edition with Laurent Moujon and French winemakers Vignobles Gabriel & Co
The famous Chef Cyrus Todiwala at Château lascombes What a unique experience last night with Cyrus Todiwala OBE DL FIH, celebrity TV Chef from the
Happy anniversary for the 10 years of program ambassador by The Crus Bourgeois du Médoc Ten years ago, Les Crus Bourgeois du Médoc appointed WINEVOX
Winevox with the Masters of Wine For several years I have been co-ordinating with the Conseil Grands Crus Classés en 1855 and the prestigious Institute
Naturally Bordeaux hosted a webinar for the Circle of Wine Writers. Château de La Dauphine Château Fourcas Hosten Château Jean Faure spoke about their environmental practices from biodiversity in the
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