WSET dates for 2020
Winevox will be running the WSET course levels 2 and 3 (in English) early 2020: Level 3: on 16, 17 , 23, 24 January and 3 February Level 2: on…
Winevox will be running the WSET course levels 2 and 3 (in English) early 2020: Level 3: on 16, 17 , 23, 24 January and 3 February Level 2: on…
Our next session of WSET Award in Wine Level 3 will be on 13, 14, 20, 21 June and 1 July Minette Constant, Master of Wine will be teaching the…
Here are the upcoming dates for our WSET courses in Bordeaux: Level 2 Award in Wines & Spirits: 8, 9 and 12 November 2018 Level 3 Award in Wine: 29,…
Our next WSET courses will take place in Bordeaux: Level 2 Award in Wines & Spirits: 9, 10 and 13 November Level 3 Award in Wine: 23, 24, 30 November,…
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