2017/08/28 Winevox – summer 2017 Ginette rosé in the Hamptons
More from the Hamptons with Cottages ; Gardens the 2nd wine sponsor for the cocktail party was Vignerons Catalans with their Ginette rosé that the
More from the Hamptons with Cottages ; Gardens the 2nd wine sponsor for the cocktail party was Vignerons Catalans with their Ginette rosé that the
Our next WSET courses will take place in Bordeaux: Level 2 Award in Wines & Spirits: 9, 10 and 13 November Level 3 Award in
To celebrate the Bonnie family’s 20th year at Chateau Malartic-Lagravière, Winevox organised a masterclass in London for UK buyers, sommeliers, educators at 67 Pall Mall.
First week of April, Winevox hosted a number of tastings for the Crus Bourgeois du Médoc in California. Trade & consumer seminar in LA with
Winevox worked with le Faiseur de Vin to organise a press dinner for two estates consulted by Olivier Dauga. East and West got together with
Registration is now open for the WSET Level 3 Award in Wine The class will take place in Bordeaux on 11, 12, 18, 19 and
Our next session of WSET Level 2 will take place in Bordeaux on 9, 10 and 13 February 2017Session in English taught by Minette Constant,
Winevox is organising the next session of WSET Level 2 on 1st, 2nd and 5th December in Bordeaux. Master of Wine tutor Minette Constant will
Winevox and their partner Phillips-Hill organised for the 7th year the Crus Bourgeois Official Selection (vintage 2014) for the UK trade and press. It is
Two students who studied WSET Level 3 with Winevox just passed the level 4 Diploma at WSET’s London School where they started the course two
What a pleasure it was last month to host tastings classes for the Crus Bourgeois du Médoc in California. Over 250 people met throughout the
Winevox are organising the Level 2 of WSET on 26, 27 and 30 November in Bordeaux. This highly recognised qualification will enable you to improve
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